Tuesday 26 May 2015


                                                  April 29th 1915

                             Dear Mum and Dad                      

Hi mum I'm sorry i haven't written back.My mates and I are starving and bully beef stew does not fill a tummy like mine.Dont worry dad I didnt forget about you .Did you remember to feed the chickens,the bunny, the dog and the cat?Im just kidding. Sorry to say but John my best friend has recently died beside.The nurse a bullet to heart.I have to go they're bringing in another person so im going to celebrate that Im not the only one with a cut in my arm.


Tuesday 19 May 2015

charlee's first letter

21st April 1915
Dear Mum and Dad

I am in a hopital ship but don't worry there's a nice nurse called Maddie looking after me.It looks like the bleeding has stopped in my right arm. Somehow Ican still smell bully beef stew. Ohh no we have to have bully beef stew for lunch. "I can see bubbles in here" I said to the nice nurse Maddie." It's good for you to eat so if you want to starve to death then don't eat it" I starded at it and then hear it goes I gulp down the disgusting paste. Maddie looked at me with a grin.Now I need some rest so Maddie agusted my seat.

                                                     sincerely yours Josh Knowler